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Perennial Flowers

The fact that these flowers do not have to be replanted each and every year is appealing to many people. Perennials may grow and thrive for many years depending on the particular kind you choose. There are many different forms of the flower in colors and blooming seasons. They are very good at competing with weeds and the bed will not need preparing each year. It is necessary to remove flowers that are declining in color, and thinning them out will be necessary every 3-4 years. You can carefully choose the perennials to plant in your flower garden that will provide an uninterrupted bloom from April to October.

The time of blooming might differ depending on what zone you live in. However, each plant listed is chosen to bloom in sequence with exception to the difference in temperature. Date of blooming is approximate.

Creeping Phlox: These plants will be thick and will form a mat- like ground covering. They bloom in spring with colors of lavender, rose, and white growing up to 6 inches tall. You will find this used often in rock gardens.

Basket of Gold: Used in rock gardens or as edging. It is short growing to a height of 9-12 inches. Tight batches of golden flowers are formed on long stems.

German Iris: This flower is not difficult to grow or sustain and comes in quite a lot of colors from yellow, orange, browns and white. It will reach a height of 2-4 ft. This flower likes to be in a sunny area. The thick roots should be planted just below the soil surface and be sure to keep them moist. When the flower decreases this will indicate a need to dig and divide the flowers. Do this in the fall.

Peony: Will bloom around Memorial Day and is very common as “cut flowers.” Growing 3-ft tall, it has a large, up to 6-inch flower, across. The young buds or “eyes” should be set 1-inch below the soil and need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. The Peony requires three years before they will bloom fully. They usually do not need to be divided.

Coral-Bells: Forms knolls of flowers about 8-10 inches high. Fully aged they will reach 12-15 inches wide. The flowers are tiny on stems that flower 10-20 inches above the foliage. The leaves are formed like “hearts” with tiny bell-shaped flowers. The colors are shades of pink and red. Hummingbirds love Coral-Bells and the flowers will do well in partially shaded rock gardens. Mulch to keep its shallow root moist.

Fernleaf-Yarrow: Grows 3-4 ft. tall and like full sun. The foliage on this plant is blueish or grayish with large golden flowers up to five inches across and is very good to dry. To lengthen the blooming seasons remove the heads.

Tickseed or Coreopsis: A brightly colored yellow blossom remains blooming after perennials have finished blooming. The plant likes full sun and grows to be 18 or more inches tall with a formed mound about 20 inches in circumference. The old blossoms should be removed to encourage flower yield.

Blanket Flower: A pretty shade of yellow and burgundy in this flower attracts many butterflies and creates a bed that looks like a many colored blanket. The flower enjoys full sun and light soil as opposed to clay. This plant ranges from a low 8 inches to 3 ft. tall. Remove all old flowers.

Daylilly: Orange and yellow are the colors of this plant, however many newer varieties have shades of red, yellow, pink, gold and blends of these colors. The lilies can be planted on banks of ponds and creeks and will do well in the woods or open area as long as the soil drains well. It does the very best in full sun these plants will most likely last all summer long.

Shasta Daisy: The large yellow daisy flowers are nice in bouquets. This flower blooms through out the summer and loves full sun. A sturdy plant needs dividing every 2 years.

Summer Phlox: Lavender summer phlox 2-4 ft. tall need to be placed in the back of the bed. The plants have dark green foliage and like full sun. This plant needs good air circulation to prevent mildew. Phlox takes a lot of care needing staking and irrigation during very dry weather.

Chrysanthemum: This is the last perennial to bloom in fall. It comes in a variety of colors they grow well in full sun and need to be watered and fed regularly. The flower form in mounds 1 ½ to 2 ½ feet across.

Source from:
PageWise, Inc.

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