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Creeping Bent Lawns Grass
Many homeowners and gardeners prefer bent lawns for their beautiful carpet like turf, in spite of the work of establishing and maintaining.

How to Make a New Lawn
A good lawn is the starting point for any successful home garden.

Add Fragrance to Your Landscape
The purpose of a flower's fragrance is thought to be that of an attractant to nectar-feeding insects.

Easy Tips for a Well Maintained Lawn
Tips to maintain a beautiful home lawn inexpensively, including how to cut, water and fertilize.

Lawn Weed Control
Lawn weed control can be done by several ways, herbicides, cultivation, planting a close bedding, and mulching.

Annuals Add Color and Beauty to the Garden
One of the nicest parts of working in your garden in the spring is planning and planting flowering annuals.

Lawn Care Advice
With this lawn care advice—you can have that perfect lawn without laboring as much as your neighbors. Make them green with envy as you enjoy plush grass the easy way.

Design a Garden Using Color
A discussion of using color theory in garden design. Tips on combining colors, the emotional effects of colors, and creating drama.

Bed Preparation and Maintenance of Annuals
The time spent preparing the planting bed is important if you are to be successful with annual flowers.

When and How to Water
One of the most important factors in successful gardening is knowing when and how to water.

Autumn Colors
The vivid colors of autumn are giving a final burst of glamour to the landscape before the dormant season brings on a dull hue.

Caladiums Brighten Shady Areas in the Landscape
There are two types of caladiums available--fancy leaved and lance or strap leaved.

Creating Plant Screens
Screening can add much to the beauty and enjoyment of a landscape development. In addition to screening out neighbors or passers-by, plants can be used as barriers for other people's pets and noise.

Foundation Plantings
Foundation plantings are a vital part of good home landscape design. Too often foundation planting is overdone and left to stand alone.

Ground Covers
Interesting contrasts in texture and color may be brought into your landscape by the use of ground covers.

Hobby Greenhouses
A small greenhouse can be a relaxing hobby as well as very useful. It can be used to grow specialty crops such as orchids, germinate seeds and root cuttings for the outdoor garden and grow vegetables out of season.

Selecting a Lawngrass
The best lawngrass is a matter of personal opinion and preference. There are advantages and disadvantages for every grass.

Vines Add a New Dimension to a Landscape
Vines offer an interesting variation in plant form. They are valuable in the landscape for their practical and aesthetic qualities.

Gardening Guides
Lawn & Garden
Container Gardening
Organic Gardening
Plant Care, Diseases & Pests
Herb Gardening

Lawn and Garden Owner's Manual
The Lawn & Garden Owner's Manual
by Lewis Hill, Nancy Hill

Unique Home Accents

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