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Selecting a Lawngrass

Several hundred dollars can be added to the value of your home by the presence of a beautiful lawn. It is worth even more in terms of pleasure and pride it affords all members of the family. On the other hand, it can be a mess if the proper grass is not selected, planted and maintained.

The best lawngrass is a matter of personal opinion and preference. There are advantages and disadvantages for every grass. What one person considers an asset may be a liability to another.

In shaded areas, some grasses grow well and others grow poorly. St. Augustinegrass will tolerate a high amount of shade, while bermuda grows best in full sun. Zoysiagrass is a "slowpoke" in regard to rate of growth, while bermuda is a rapid vigorous grower.

A fast-growing grass may be desired when establishing a new lawn, but this apparent advantage turns into a disadvantage when it comes time to mow.

Some grasses withstand foot traffic or wear better than others. Bermuda grass is unsurpassed in this respect, with centipede being a poor choice for an active family. Bahia produces a very durable sod, which is able to withstand heavy traffic.

Color and texture of the leaves are important features of lawngrasses. Some, such as improved bermudas and zoysias are as fine and soft as silk. St. Augustine, bahia, centipede and carpetgrass are coarser. The fine ones, improved bermudas in particular, require more care. In color, lawngrasses range from yellow-green (centipede) to bluish-green (zoysia and improved bermudas).

Weeds can be controlled in most lawngrasses grown here, if the right chemical is used and if it is applied in correct amounts at the proper time. It is generally easier to control weeds in bermuda and zoysia than in St. Augustine and centipede.

While no lawngrass is free of insect and disease pests, some seem to be more susceptible than others. This is clearly brought to your attention if you have ever had Chinch bugs in St. Augustine grass. Sod webworms and armyworms attack all types of lawngrasses grown here, but particularly like Bermuda. If you closely watch and promptly treat with the proper insecticide or fungicide, disease and insect pests can be controlled.

Like people, grasses have different appetites. Bermuda may need as many as twelve fertilizations yearly, while most other are perfectly content with only two to three.

St. Augustinegrass is the one most likely to stay green during winter. Centipede and bermuda are generally brown or straw colored for several months during winter in the northern part of the state.

If your home is near the ocean and salt spray is a problem, a grass having salt tolerance should be used. St. Augustine, bermuda and zoysia have good salt tolerance, while bahia, centipede and carpetgrass have poor salt tolerance.

Another point to consider when selecting a lawngrass is drought tolerance. Bahia grass is far superior to the other lawngrasses under dry conditions. Bahia's deep and extensive root system allows it to survive weeks without water; St. Augustine has good drought tolerance while centipede has poor drought tolerance.

What is your preference among lawngrasses? It will be your grass, and the choice is up to you. In selecting your lawngrass, consider the above points before planting your home grounds.

Copyright by Dr. Bob's Gardening Tips

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