Summer Plants for Container Gardening
Annuals are easy to care for and are fast to perform. They adapt readily to containers provided they do not outgrow the size of their containers.
Growing Flowering Annuals in Containers
Annuals are easy to care for and are fast to perform. They adapt readily to containers provided they do not outgrow the size of their containers.
Container Roses
Looking for roses to containerize and suit small places? Try patio roses. Description, growing habits and maintenance along with nine plant suggestions for successful gardening.
Tomato Gardening in Containers
How to grow perfect tomatoes in containers. Growing vegetables in containers is fun and easy, and perfect for apartment dwellers.
Gardening in Containers: Create & Maintain
There are several reasons why people choose to use container gardens.
Container Gardening Idea
Try container gardening if you love plants but have a brown thumb or if you have no gardening space.
Indoor Container Gardening
Its fun to experiment with indoor container gardening using that spare room. Try growing inside and just see what we can do!
