Herbs as House Plants
If you like cooking with herbs, you have more indoor garden choices. Don't you just love choices?
Windowsill herb gardening needs either a wide sill or an attached shelf at the base of your window. I prefer a shelf on which to place a clear plastic box to hold individual glass or clear plastic pots so I can watch when a plant becomes rootbound.
A lovely window greenhouse can provide the necessary light, leaving room space. Add shelves for more plants. An adjustable glass panel is essential, to be opened to allow ventilation on warm days.
A hanging basket herb garden is definitely the simplest and most affordable way to grow herbs close at hand in your kitchen. You'll need a saucer to catch drips.
If you have the space, a strawberry jar is a handsome decorative addition. A saucer and drainage material in the bottom of the jar are important. Begin filling the jar and place herbs with small root systems in the lower side pockets - sage, rosemary, thyme, for example. Working your way up toward the top, you'll place larger rooted herbs like parsley or scented geraniums which like a drier soil. You can also use a short piece of predrilled pvc pipe placed down the center of the jar. The drilled holes are placed alternately around the pipe to 2 inches from the bottom. This facilitates watering the strawberry jar. Just place a funnel in the top of the pipe though which to water the plants.
A large clay saucer filled with pebbles can hold several different sized pots of herbs at varying levels and makes an attractive display. If more light is needed, a fluorescent cool-white light can be used over the saucer garden.
Remember to turn your plants often so they can receive an equal amount of light on each side.
Source from:
Magick Garden - www.amagickgarden.com
