Organic Lawn and Garden Fertilizers
If you are uncomfortable using synthetic fertilizers on your garden or lawn, consider an organic alternative. Organic fertilizers are made from plants, minerals, or animals, and contain natural elements that are beneficial for plants in order to grow. Synthetic fertilizers may be chemically altered and mixed with non-natural materials. If you feel uncomfortable using synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers are a natural contrast. They are likely physically processed, but lack the chemicals and synthetic materials. Here is a list as provided by the American Horticultural Society that will help you know what different types of organic fertilizers can and should be used for.
- Sul-po-mag. You should use this fertilizer if your plants lack potash, or if they suffer from iron chlorosis. This can be a natural treatment.
- Seaweed. This fertilizer is naturally found in the ocean and contains growth hormones that can be effective on plants.
- Fish meal. This fertilizer provides nitrogen to your plants and can help get rid of unwanted dead vegetation and other products your plants don't need.
- Fish emulsion. This is a good liquid fertilizer that should be applied in the early spring months.
- Cottonseed meal. This fertilizer acidifies soil.
- Compost. This fertilizer provides your plants with calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, and zinc. Compost can be a valuable source of these minerals for your plants.
- Cattle manure. This fertilizer can add quite a bit to your soil, and if it's fresh, it can burn unwanted materials out of the soil.
- Bone meal. This fertilizer provides excellent minerals to your soil such as phosphorus. Bone meal is particularly effective on bulbs, flowers, and fruit plants.
- Blood meal. This fertilizer contains quite a bit of nitrogen. It can help your plants if they need additional nitrogen levels. It also increases the rate of compost decomposition.
- Alfalfa meal. This fertilizer is known for its ability to break itself down quickly and easily in order to provide additional nitrogen levels to your soil and plants.
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